thinking of taking the family on a glamping experience this half-term? Great主意。闪光是使您的孩子更接近大自然的理想友好方式有一些老式的家庭乐趣 - 特别是如果他们不习惯露营,您想保持理智!

如果这是您第一次在英国狂欢,那么有些things you can do before you go glamping (along with things that you can pack)使整个体验尽可能无压力。和往常一样want specific advice on what to take glamping, we’re here to help both in-store或在线。


家庭,团体和夫妇的辉煌闻名已导致了一个巨大的growth in glamping sites around the UK and in companies that help you find the最好的闪光体验。

this means that there is something to suit every budget, the trick is to do your作业并确保您为自己的最合适的选择选择


特别是,检查什么是基本软件包的一部分,并且不包括在内 -提供什么额外功能。例如,您需要带毛巾还是他们假如?那洗护用品呢?环保glampsites可能不允许使用未覆盖的产品。

如果有燃木或火坑,您是否必须为点燃和原木支付额外费用?Should you bring milk, tea and coffee or will they be supplied? And what about烹饪和饮食用具?





很容易被不寻常类型的闪光扫除可用的住宿,忘记考虑更宽的宽敞的宽敞的景点本身。我们的建议吗?确保网站满足家人的需要ds first and最重要的是,尤其是如果这是您的第一次露营或露营冒险。

例如,尝试选择一个不太遥远的宽面板。是的,treehouse in the woods might sound incredible, but it could be a little too spooky晚上给你的孩子。另外,您可能必须从停车场远足到或当地的设施 - 与疲倦的孩子一起这样做可能并不有趣。

Remember to consider how ‘off-grid a glampsite is and how connected you want to be. Some sites have zero network coverage or electricity and you navigate around using torches, solar-powered lights and candlelight. This may sound like fun, but might be a challenge for those novice glampers amongst you.

Likewise, struggling to light a cooking fire or stove in the cold and wet is also an experience most families may find a bit overwhelming on their first trip. A recreational lounge or cooking facility on a site could be worth its weight in cold on those rainy days and nights!



think sensibly about accommodation

从旧的公共汽车和吉普赛大篷车到闪闪发光的豆荚和野生动物园帐篷,much choice on offer when you’re looking for family glamping accommodation inthe UK. It’s tempting to choose something unique, but not everything will be适合您的家人。您需要找到适合大小的闪光选择of your party and the ages, too.

If you’ve younger children, supersized tents such as safari tents and bell tents may成为一个不错的选择,因为其中许多可以细分为房间。所以父母和孩子可以分开睡眠区。

Yurts and teepees come a close second because they’re spacious and usuallyhave some kind of log-burner to help you stay warm, although they may not have an套间厨房或洗手间。

It’s also worth thinking about the sort of ‘view’ you want when you all wake up.您可以选择自己的远景。所以what will it be? A sea view, rolling hills, a sparkling lake? Perhaps being too ‘wild’不适合您的家人,因为您的孩子讨厌令人毛骨悚然的爬行者 - 不留下石头unturned when deciding!