滑雪season is well underway in Europe, with a good couple of months of snow left for avid skiers, meaning even a half term break is possible this year. If you haven't already booked there is still time to grab a weekend or a full week of ski action before the season ends, and back in the UK there are plenty of dry slopes and indoor ski facilities to keep you going until the snow starts to fall again.


在迈克尔·舒马赫(Michael Schumacher)在2013年发生滑雪事故之后,滑雪率头盔在斜坡上比以前更为普遍,尽管事件发生时他戴着头盔,但据信他永远不会幸免于受伤,但他没有穿。在国外滑雪时,要采取额外的安全预防措施尤其重要,因为医疗保健和事故发生后返回英国可能会很棘手,尤其是在头部受伤的情况下。我们都知道一个在滑雪时骨折的人,这肯定是已知的风险,但是戴头盔可以降低头部受伤的风险,并在不可想象的情况下降低其严重性。价格从70英镑到200英镑不等,这是一笔可观的成本,但是选择头盔的规则是,您花费的大脑对您来说是值得的。在干坡上,戴头部保护更为重要,因为没有柔软的积雪可以缓冲跌落。

滑雪靴是另一个至关重要的equipment – you can't ski without them! Unlike socks and other clothing, they need to be fitted correctly, and can be modified to achieve a perfect fit, which allows you to enjoy your skiing holiday without unnecessary pain caused by ill-fitting footwear. Poorly fitting ski boots can cause pain and problems with feet, ankles, knees and hips, and can even lead to back problems so it is imperative that these fit you as well as possible. Attwoolls offer a ski boot fitting service at our store near Gloucester, and we will even carry out modifications to the boots to get the best fit possible. This may take up to an hour, but this is time well invested when you consider that the boots will last for years and won't cause you any pain.
